How to obtain a Certification as a Pupil Personnel Worker
Requirements to earn a PPW Certificate
The requirements for certification as a pupil personnel worker are that the applicant shall have:
A. A Master's Degree from the IHE in Pupil Personnel or a related field, such as:
(1) Counseling or Guidance Services, or both
(2) Early Childhood, Elementary, or Secondary Education
(3) Human growth and development
(4) Sociology, Social Work, or Psychology
(5) Special Education
(6) Administration and Supervision
B. In addition to or as part of A of this regulation, 21 semester hours of graduate credit or State-Approved CPDs selected from at least seven of the following eight areas:
(1) School Law (Required)
(2) Counseling Methods
(3) Early Childhood or Adolescent Psychology, or both
(4) Multicultural Issues
(5) Family Systems/Dynamics
(6) Delivery of Pupil Personnel Services and Programs
(7) Abnormal Psychology, Juvenile Delinquency, or both
(8) Educational Assessment Interpretation
C. 3 years of satisfactory teaching experience, or, at the recommendation of a local Superintendent of schools, 2 years of related experience may be substituted for 2 years of teaching experience
D. 3 semester hours of credit or State-approved CPDs in the inclusion of special needs student populations.